My Story

My name is Tanis and I’ve loved dogs as long as I can remember. My family always had a dog around growing up and I continued the trend when I started my own.

Dogs are the F***ING BEST!! They give, give, give and only ask for simple things like food, water, love and a place to call home. Can’t imagine my life without them💕🐾.

I’ve always had the “entrepreneurial bug”, wanting to be my own boss and run a successful business. For a few years I ran a pet sitting service along with selling handmade crafts through my business Sit ‘N Stay Pet Products & Services. I ran this alongside working full time in the corporate world, and was married with 2 small kids at the time. The time I needed to devote to the business really ate away at my home life so I made the decision to close up shop.

Raise the WOOF was born in early 2020, just months before Covid arrived (great time to start a biz!).

The business name came about as my kids and I had just adopted a 2nd rescue pup and it was craziness!! I had visions of the roof flying off the house as the pups did their daily zoomies (IYKYK).

Since then I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many dog parents out there who love their dogs as much as I do. It gives me sooooo much joy to see their faces light up or the laughter erupt when they see a product that I’ve created. No corporate job could ever give me those amazing feels!

Thanks for joining me on my journey ❤️.